• Pembina-Keephills Project

    From August 2019 to November 2020, ATCO proposes to construct a new high-pressure natural gas pipeline from ATCO's existing Pembina Transmission system near Drayton Valley to ATCO's existing Keephills Transmission system in the Genesee area.

    The purpose of this 59 km pipeline is to increase the capacity of ATCO's existing pipeline system to support the development of natural gas electricity generation in the Genesee area.


    August to September 2019 - Pre-construction phase
    - Surveying the pipeline alignment and workspace to establish and mark construction limits;
    - Alberta One Call locates;
    - Tree clearing within the project boundary, and;
    - Installing temporary fencing

    August 2019 to May 2020  - Construction phase
    - Stripping topsoil;
    - Grading right of way;
    - Stringing, welding and coating pipe;
    - Excavating, lowering-in and backfilling pipe;
    - Completing Horizontal Directional Drills under major water and roadways;
    - Pressure testing newly installed pipeline;
    - Commissioning the pipeline for natural gas transmission service, and;
    - Cleanup and restoration of the pipeline right-of-way, temporary workspace, and other affected land areas.

    September to November 2020 - Post-construction and restoration phase
    - Final cleanup and restoration of the pipeline right-of-way, temporary workspace, and other affected land areas to their original condition.


    Between Drayton Valley and Genesee

    How this will affect you

    Residents in the area may notice an increase in construction traffic, noise associated with construction and potentially dust from the installation of the new pipeline.


    Construction Timeline: Summer 2019 - Fall 2020

    Location: Between Drayton Valley and Genesee

    Project: Expansion

    Phase: Restoration

    Pembina-Keephills Map