OUR 2025-2029 PLAN

ATCO Gas Australia's 2025-2029 Plan

Our blueprint for the future of energy in WA

  • In September 2023, we submitted our proposed sixth Access Arrangement for the 2025-2029 period (also known as AA6) to the Economic Regulation Authority for approval.
  • Our submission outlines our proposed investments to maintain and support the transition of our gas distribution network as we work towards net zero emissions by 2050, including:
    - Connecting a further 68,000 residential and 2,300 commercial customers to the gas distribution network
    - Replacing 290km of end-of-life pipeline – so we can continue delivering a safe and reliable network
    - Replacing more than 110,000 domestic and commercial meters
    - Preparing the gas distribution network for renewable gases, and using renewable gases as part of our unaccounted for gas replacement
  • On 24 April the ERA released its Draft Decision on AA6 for our response and public consultation.
  • In response, we submitted our 2025-2029 Revised Plan to the ERA on 10 June 2024. 
  • Interested parties are now invited to provide feedback on the Draft Decision and ATCO's Revised Plan before 9 July 2024, after which the ERA will review all submissions before handing down the final decision in November 2024.

ATCO’s prices for the gas supply network in Western Australia are overseen by an economic regulator – the Economic Regulation Authority (ERA). Every five years, we submit our plans and proposed prices to the ERA for consideration and approval. This plan, known as an Access Arrangement, outlines our programs that are designed to enable us to deliver a safe, reliable, affordable and sustainable energy source for Western Australians – now and into the future.


Our Plan is underpinned by the insights of more than 1000 customers and stakeholders, gathered over 400+ hours of consultation, to better understand what the community expects and desires from the gas network.

Nearly 9 in 10 customers consider our suite of investment programs to be of personal importance, with 97% of residents surveyed believing that having access to gas is important.

Our plans reflect this support and increasing demand for access to a safe and reliable network, with an additional 68,000 new customer connections predicted over the five-year period.


Our network infrastructure is uniquely positioned to support Western Australia’s energy transition.

Our investment in the 14,500km of pipeline buried under Perth’s greater metropolitan area will be integral to supporting Western Australia’s energy transition.

Our plan for 2025 to 2029 maintains our existing focus on safety, efficiency and reliability, but also considers how we can transform our network to achieve net zero emissions by 2050.


In the current high inflation and interest rate environment, we understand affordability is more important than ever for our customers.

We have designed our Plan to balance the priorities of delivering a safe and reliable gas network; transitioning to a low carbon economy; and keeping the service we deliver efficient to keep costs as low as possible for households and businesses.

For a typical residential customer, the cost to provide a safe, efficient and reliable gas distribution network, and to prepare it for Western Australia’s energy transition, will increase by around $1.30 a week.

Next Steps

On Wed 24 April, the ERA released its Draft Decision on ATCO’s proposed 2025-2029 Access Arrangement (AA6) which can be viewed online at https://www.erawa.com.au/gas/gas-access/goldfields-gas-pipeline/access-arrangements/access-arrangement-for-period-commencing-2025.

ATCO responded to the draft decision with the submission of our 2025-2029 Revised Plan to the ERA on 10 June 2024 and are now engaging with stakeholders to support them in making informed submissions to the ERA on the Draft Decision and our Revised Plan. We encourage you to visit the ERA’s website for further information about how to get involved - www.erawa.com.au/current-consultations.

If you have any questions or would like to provide direct feedback on any aspect of our 2025-29 Revised Plan, please contact us at haveyoursay@atco.com.au.

We anticipate a final decision on our plan by the ERA in November 2024.